Asphalt milling and topping have become increasingly popular methods of improving asphalt surfaces. The advantages of milled asphalt paving include more cost-effective ways to reconstruct an asphalt surface, faster project completion times, and they’re easier on the environment – milled asphalt can be recycled in such a manner that the end result is new asphalt.
Milling Saves Money on the Project
Asphalt milling and topping projects can be done in place, saving on hauling costs for both materials and manpower. Additionally, you’ll have faster project completion times as well as a lighter carbon footprint from milled asphalt being reused. When you add in less time to complete a project, that means it’s also less expensive in comparison to other conventional paving techniques.
Easier on the Environment
Environmental impacts can vary based on local conditions, but asphalt milling projects in general use less aggregate. This results in reduced noise, less dust and a more environmentally friendly surface than simply tearing up an existing asphalt pavement.
Additionally, milled asphalt is easier on our environment than other construction materials like plastic sheeting and wood chip fill. Instead of contributing to landfill waste issues it’s recycled into new asphalt products through a process known as material reclamation. With all these benefits combined, it makes for an obvious choice when considering asphalt milling.
Milled Asphalt Is Recycled In Such A Manner That The End Result Is New Asphalt
This is a fundamental part of asphalt milling. When new asphalt is made, you’re essentially going to end up with a material that closely resembles what was removed. This isn’t surprising once you consider that most milled asphalt has been left over from past projects. Milled asphalt is recycled in such a manner that the end result is new asphalt. Did you know that the world’s most recycled material is asphalt?
Faster Project Completion Times
Although most people assume that new asphalt projects will take much longer to complete, milling reduces project completion times. Once an old surface is removed, crews can often work on a more-level plane without costly excavations. In addition, without two layers of asphalt on top of each other, crews can start paving sooner than they could with traditional excavation and grading methods. Milled surfaces also require fewer materials than unsealed surfaces or reclamation methods like rubber grinding or stone dust. With lower costs for materials and reduced labor needs, milled surfaces are completed faster than traditional excavation and grading projects.
Keep in mind, the mill and fill process could add 25% more life span than just a basic overlay by removing the deteriorated existing wearing course that may cause reflective cracking of your new overlay paving. Asphalt milling is great at keeping your drainage working as it was originally meant to.
Overall, asphalt milling results in fewer safety hazards for your visitors, pedestrians, and vehicles alike – including much fewer trip-and-fall accidents as compared with a conventional overlay. Plus, your business will also look sharp with its brand-new face-lift thanks to asphalt milling and resurfacing jobs!
Contact HMA Paving & Contracting Today
Contact HMA Paving and Contracting today to discuss asphalt milling for your commercial or municipal paving project. Visit our contact page or call (518) 664-1014.