Do Not Delay Blacktop Paving Projects due to Cold Weather

In the past, asphalt paving companies were hesitant to complete blacktop paving projects in the colder weather, but times – and the materials we use – have changed. Still, at HMA Contracting Corp. we get this question every fall, winter and spring. When the weather turns cold and damp, everyone starts to wonder whether they should postpone their blacktop paving project.

Our answer? “No need to delay, as we can often work around the cold weather if we avoid using thin overlays.”

Asphalt paving companies and the hot mix asphalt manufacturers are busy in the warm months, so having paving work done outside of the ‘typical season’ is a smart business move. Getting your project done during the cooler weather is more convenient for many clients such as tennis court owners, community park administrators, and other spaces that are less frequented in colder months.

The factors that affect the time it takes for hot asphalt mix to cool below 175°F are:

•    Air temperature
•    Wind speed
•    Sunlight (absence or presence)

The two most important factors that ensure good cold weather installations are the temperature of the mix and the thickness of the paving lot being placed. It is generally accepted that if conditions do not permit a minimum of 10 minutes for good compaction to occur, then adequate density may not be achieved and the project should be delayed until conditions are better. If thin overlays are required then we recommend postponing paving once the outside temperatures go below 45 degrees.  But with a thick overlay, you do not have to wait for the spring or summer.

The latest technical research into whether hot mix asphalt placed in cold weather will perform as expected has definitively proven that as long as adequate density of the pavement is achieved, the blacktop will perform consistently well.

The issue of cold weather compaction is easily resolved by having the right amount of time and plenty of rollers to complete the job in the cooler temperatures. Ultimately, it depends on having an experienced asphalt paving company doing your project – and the team at HMA Contracting Corp. can help you with warm or cold weather blacktop paving project.

Please contact us online or call HMA Contracting Corp. at 518.664.1014 or toll free at 855.664.1014.  Our team has years of experience with cold weather blacktop paving and we can assure you that your paving project will look great and function well as expected no matter whether it’s installed in the warm or cold months of the year.