Warm-mix asphalt (WMA) utilizes a range of technologies in order to reduce the production, and placement temperatures, of asphalt pavement mixtures. Through these technologies a wide variety of environmental, worker safety, and construction benefits, have been realized and advances have been made.
Warm-mix asphalt has been proving to reduce fuel and energy use, reduce paving costs, improve compaction, lengthen the paving season and improve worker comfort. The technologies allow for production of warm-mix asphalt to be mixed and installed in the necessary areas at a lower temperature. By reducing the temperature, it doesn’t take as much energy to produce; it also then reduces hydrocarbon emissions. All of these aspects make it much safer for workers, and the environment, during manufacturing and application.
While it was introduced to the United States in the early 2000s from Europe, the U.S. has taken a prominent lead in the technology advances and use of warm-mix asphalt in paving projects. These technologies, and solutions, are no stranger to our team of professionals. HMA Contracting Corp. is an experienced, and knowledgeable, expert in asphalt paving solutions throughout New York’s Capital Region. Whether it’s a new asphalt paving project, or maintenance on previously installed asphalt pavement, you can take comfort in our knowledge and expertise.
So, what are more advantages of warm-mix asphalt?
– The risk of burns is lowered due to the reduced temperature
– It is easily compacted, making it beneficial during extreme weather conditions
– Lowered temperature and longer workability allows for longer transport and greater flexibility in transportation schedules
– With lower temperatures, it minimizes the delay of use
With all of this in mind, HMA Contracting Corp. is the clear choice for all of your asphalt paving needs. When you’re ready to discuss your new project, or maintenance needs, contact our experts for your free, no obligation, estimate and assessment!